Privacy Policy
This is the privacy policy for the WFMU app for Android (formerly known as Woof Moo).
This policy applies only to the app, not the WFMU website, radio station, or any other entity.
App Permissions
The app requires the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
permission (Android 5 only). This allows it to save downloaded episodes to either an SD card (if available) or the device’s storage. No other file access is performed or allowed.
No other permissions are required. The app is not allowed to access any personal information.
Data Collection
The app does not use an account or identity, and all interaction is anonymous. The app’s assets (images, help pages, etc.) are hosted on various third-party independent web servers that may store access logs, including the IP address of visitors.
Interaction with an official WFMU account is unrelated to the app and only happens via your web browser. Neither the browser nor the app has the ability to communicate or exchange any information.
External Services
Crash Reporting: The app uses Firebase Crashlytics to provide information to the developer concerning the cause of crashes. No personally identifiable information (PII) is included with this data. Crash reporting is not required to use the app, but it is enabled by default. This can be changed on the Settings page.
Analytics: The app uses Google Analytics for Firebase to allow the developer to broadly understand how the app is used. No specific details or personally identifiable information (PII) is transmitted or collected. Data is collected when specific events occur. Unless otherwise stated, no data about what happens is logged, only that something did happen.
Google Analytics for Firebase additionally collects certain information by default, which can’t be disabled. See this support page for more details. Analytics are not required to use the app, but they are enabled by default. This can be changed on the Settings page.
The following events are collected, as of version2024.08.263
:- An app section is selected in the navigation bar.
- App sections are reordered (the new order is also logged).
- Schedule grouping is changed.
- Streams are sorted.
- An item in the Archive is selected (only the section the item belongs to is logged).
- A page in the Show Information dialog is selected.
- A page in the Episode Information dialog is selected.
- A page in the Bookmarks or History app sections is selected.
- A page in the Track Information dialog is selected.
- A login to a third-party service is successful.
- A page in the fully-expanded Player is selected.
- The playback position changes due to a double tap on the track name, or drag or double tap of the dial.
- The Playback Speed is changed.
- The Sleep Timer function is used.
- The Undo Seek function is used.
- The New Comment dialog is shown.
Web Services: Web traffic to the app, such as this document, is managed by Cloudflare for performance and scalability reasons. The Cloudflare privacy policy therefore also applies and should be read in addition to this document. No personal information is included with any requests.
Changes to the Policy
- August 2024: Added list of Analytics events.
- April 2024: Rewrite and simplification.
- February 2023: Add Remote Configuration.
- January 2022: Add Analytics.
- July 2020: Remove Analytics.
- August 11, 2019: Add analytics in version 2.8.5.
- July 1, 2019: Remove analytics in version 2.8.4, and permissions relaxation.
- March 3, 2019: First published.